Ruth’s blogs

Ruth’s Blog: Talk to your partner
Get bang for your ‘oracy’ buck Nearly 30 years ago, Professor Bob Slavin, an educator from Baltimore, visited my school

Ruth’s Blog: We go beyond the need and teach every pupil to read
We are never complacent. Schools depend upon our teaching programme. We research practices that will work best for all pupils –

Ruth’s Blog: S-A-L-E-S: Strategies to increase children’s love of reading
There is considerable research on the strategies advertisers use to persuade people to buy things. We’ll look at some of

Ruth’s Blog: How to build the best book corners at Key Stage 1
Bang for our book In building the best book corner, focus on the things that will make the biggest difference.

Ruth’s Blog: Understanding the impact of book banding on children’s love of reading
Decodable books Decodable books are necessary for children who are learning to read because they should read books that match

Ruth’s Blog: Live the story
As a teacher, in the days when we listened to individual children read, I’d often say, ‘Try to put a

Ruth’s Blog: Readers can control their learning
Let’s say that you’re preparing a lesson on Caesar’s invasions of Britain. Maybe you don’t know much about them, so

Ruth’s Blog: The explanation effect
I’ve just listened to a podcast about UPFs. I say to my partner, you’ve got to stop eating ultra-processed foods.

Ruth’s Blog: FRED’S PAL – Ofsted acronym
Is FRED’S PAL strong?This might help you remember what inspectors will be looking for! Fidelity to an SSP programme, from