I wrote Read Write Inc. Phonics to teach reading and writing.
I wove the teaching of reading and writing together into one programme: each reading activity supports the next, each writing activity builds upon the one before. The reading and writing activities intertwine to make Read Write Inc. greater than the sum of its parts.
In Read Write Inc. schools, teachers teach their children to:
- hold a pencil correctly, sitting at a table when writing
- form lower-case letters correctly as they learn the sounds for them
- spell words by identifying sounds and representing them with letter/s
- spell common exception words
- memorise and write short sentences using words with known sound-letter correspondences
- use capital letters, full stops and question marks correctly
- make up their own sentences and say them aloud before writing them down
- re-read what they have written to check it makes sense
- read aloud and discuss what they have written with the teacher and other children.
And this is just in the Reception class!
In Year 1 they teach more punctuation and grammar, and support children to write their own compositions. Children are then able to use these skills to write confidently at other times of the day too, not just in their Read Write Inc. lessons.
Keep the ‘write’ in Read Write Inc.