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Our training and support

We provide training and ongoing support on Read Write Inc. programmes for over 180 schools in Australia including a project with schools in the Northern Territory. We train you to teach all children to read, regardless of background or need.  

Read Write Inc. Phonics is a systematic synthetic phonics, comprehensive literacy program. Children learn to read with accuracy, fluency, and comprehension. The program also teaches handwriting, spelling, grammar, vocabulary, and compositional writing.  

Training Packages – in-school and remote options are available

Schools new to Read Write Inc. Phonics

Our Training Package includes: 


Cost: from $6,900 + GST to $8,500 + GST depending on the size of your school.  

Resources are published by Oxford University Press. Please contact the team here

Contact us about your school and training requirements on 

(+61) 411 691 314

The Renewal Package

Our Standard Package includes:  

  • two Development Days
  • a year’s access to our Online Subscription and Online Assessment. 


Cost: from $2,300 + GST to $3,500 + GST depending on the size of your school. Schools can also invest in Termly and Intensive Packages which include extra support.  

Schools can add:  

  • an in-school training day 
  • additional Development Days 
  • Targeted Training days.


To renew your package, contact  

Regional training in Australia 

Find out more and book places here.

Our seven steps for success

You will see immediate impact and sustain long-term success in your school with these seven steps. 

Reading Leader support

Our face-to-face leadership course and ongoing training help your Reading Leader develop the expertise to lead their reading team with confidence and consistency. 

High-quality training 

Our unique combination of bespoke in-school support, on-demand training films and regional training makes the biggest difference. 

Support for SEND

We train your tutors for quick keep up and longer-term support. With our One-to-one Tutoring Handbook and online in-action films, all children can achieve success every day. 

Online assessment and tracking 

Our Online Assessment gives you all the information you need to plan next steps at the click of a button. 

Effective grouping for maximum progress 

Every child learns at their specific ‘challenge’ level every day – no one is left behind. 

Talk is at the heart of every lesson 

Children practise everything they are taught and answer every question together. Routines help children feel safe and improve behaviour. 

Extensive support for families 

Parents and carers help children practise phonics and read Storybooks at home. Our Virtual Classroom has over 1,000 phonics lessons from decoding practice to supporting fluency. 

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