Read Write Inc-lusive
Read Write Inc. Phonics is designed to be inclusive for all children – whatever their need.
- Our Online Assessment quickly identifies those children who need support and the exact support they need.
- Children are taught at their challenge point in small groups and/or by one-to-one tutoring.
- Our tutoring programme mirrors the incremental teaching steps used in the main programme, while ensuring teaching meets every child’s needs.
- We follow the SEN Code of Practice and take a ‘graduated approach’ to working with pupils with SEND – assess, plan, do, review.
- We make strong connections with the new thing being taught. Practice and repetition then strengthen the memory.
There is a wealth of training and support available, fine-tuned over 20 years. We are in it for the long term!
Pupil referral units (PRU) and social, emotional and mental health difficulties (SEMH) specialist provision
Many students who attend a PRU or SEMH specialist provision, may have missed out on learning to read.
If most children are nine years old and under, we recommend the Phonics training and support package. This is also suitable for older children with significant learning difficulties. If most children are over nine and do not have significant learning difficulties, we recommend Fresh Start training for secondary schools.
Support for you
You will find our step-by-step support:
- in our Tutoring Handbook, available both on the RMT Online Subscription and Oxford Owl
- on our Online Subscription – including 50 new in-action films showing tutoring with children who have a range of needs
- at our tutoring regional training or in-school training. This shows you the power of one-to-one tutoring
- at our two day in-school training for special schools new to Read Write Inc.
- on our development days – our trainers can show you how to adapt Read Write Inc. resources for children who:
- are non-verbal
- use alternative communications systems
- have limited hearing or use sign language
- have limited vision
- have fine motor difficulties
- have PMLD.
Please note: we recognise that there are a few children with exceptionally profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD) who might not be able to access direct literacy instruction.
Let us help you go beyond the need and teach every child how to read.
Learning is linked inextricably to pupils’ education, health and care (EHC) plans. Staff use the curriculum to identify the knowledge and skills that pupils need to know. Using the school’s assessment systems with expertise, staff identify the specific next steps in pupils’ learning.”
Millstead Special School, Liverpool is one school of many who have impressed Ofsted with their commitment to getting every child to read with Read Write Inc.
Watch children with moderate to severe learning difficulties learning to read with Read Write Inc. Phonics.
Watch Connor’s reading journey, showing the importance of every child learning to blend.
Seth has an EHCP for cognition and learning. Watch how he learns to read step by step.
Alex is a pupil who is non-verbal. Watch how he enjoys learning to name the pictures ready to read sounds.