Training for international schools

We provide training on Read Write Inc. programmes for international schools teaching in English. We work with over 5500 schools in the UK, the US, Australia, the Gulf and wider Middle East, Europe and Asia. 

We teach all children to read, including those new to English. 

Read Write Inc. Phonics is a systematic synthetic phonics, comprehensive literacy programme. Children learn to read with accuracy, fluency, and comprehension. The programme also teaches handwriting, spelling, grammar, vocabulary, and compositional writing.  

Training packages 

Both packages include access to the Ruth Miskin Training online subscription- including training films for Read Write Inc. Phonics, Fresh Start, Nursery, Comprehension and Spelling. 

Please tell us about your school and training requirements on Booking enquiries.

The remote training package 

The package includes access to the online subscription and four days of remote training and support: 

  • assessment, practice and coaching day
  • phonics training 
  • Development Day
  • access to the Online Subscription and Online Assessment.

The training is for four members of the leadership team including reading leaders. The team of four use the online subscription to train and coach their reading team and for practice throughout the year. 

Costs range from £3700 + VAT to £4650 + VAT depending on the size of the school.

The renewal package 

Includes access to the online subscription and the following remote support for key staff: 

  • Development Day 
  • access to the Online Subscription and Online Assessment.
Costs: from £1800 + VAT to £2500 + VAT depending on size of school. 

The face-to-face training package

A UK Ruth Miskin trainer will fly to a region where a school requires three days of face-to-face training during August or October half term. 

The package includes access to the online subscription and the following training and support: 

  • assessment, practice and coaching- face-to-face day for four leaders. 
  • phonics training- face-to-face for up to 45 members of staff 
  • storybook activities- face-to-face for up to 45 members of staff 
  • Development Day- remote for key staff 

Costs: from £4800 + VAT depending on size of school (plus travel and accommodation costs).

Note: we require at least four months’ notice for face-to-face training. 

Read Write Inc. Resources 

Resources are published by Oxford University Press. For schools outside the UK who wish to find out more or place an order, please contact your local International Consultant.

Note: for schools in the US or teaching the US curriculum: Read Write Inc. Phonics is aligned to the Common Core

Schools in the US are supported by Colleen Somich, a Ruth Miskin Training certified consultant trainer at Get Reading, Love Reading LLC. 

Find out more about Read Write Inc. Phonics

Training one-to-one tutors

All children can learn to read. With our Fast Track Tutoring handbook and online films, all children achieve success every day- including those who have SEND. 

Introducing rigorous assessment and tracking

Our online assessment and tracking tool helps teachers analyse individual children’s reading progress and plan the next steps. 

Providing extensive support for parents and carers 

Parents and carers help children practise phonics and read storybooks at home. Our virtual classroom has over 850 phonics lessons- from decoding practice to supporting fluency. 

We provide training on Read Write Inc. programmes for international schools teaching in English. We work with over 5500 schools in the UK, the US, Australia, the Gulf and wider Middle East, Europe and Asia. 

We teach all children to read, including those new to English. 

Read Write Inc. Phonics is a systematic synthetic phonics, comprehensive literacy programme. Children learn to read with accuracy, fluency, and comprehension. The programme also teaches handwriting, spelling, grammar, vocabulary, and compositional writing.  

Training packages 

Both packages include access to the Ruth Miskin Training online subscription- including training films for Read Write Inc. Phonics, Fresh Start, Nursery, Comprehension and Spelling. 

Please tell us about your school and training requirements on Booking enquiries.

The remote training package 

The package includes access to the online subscription and four days of remote training and support: 

  • assessment, practice and coaching day
  • phonics training 
  • Development Day
  • access to the Online Subscription and Online Assessment.

The training is for four members of the leadership team including reading leaders. The team of four use the online subscription to train and coach their reading team and for practice throughout the year. 

Costs range from £3700 + VAT to £4650 + VAT depending on the size of the school.

The renewal package 

Includes access to the online subscription and the following remote support for key staff: 

  • Development Day 
  • access to the Online Subscription and Online Assessment.
Costs: from £1800 + VAT to £2500 + VAT depending on size of school. 

The face-to-face training package

A UK Ruth Miskin trainer will fly to a region where a school requires three days of face-to-face training during August or October half term. 

The package includes access to the online subscription and the following training and support: 

  • assessment, practice and coaching- face-to-face day for four leaders. 
  • phonics training- face-to-face for up to 45 members of staff 
  • storybook activities- face-to-face for up to 45 members of staff 
  • Development Day- remote for key staff 

Costs: from £4800 + VAT depending on size of school (plus travel and accommodation costs).

Note: we require at least four months’ notice for face-to-face training. 

Read Write Inc. Resources 

Resources are published by Oxford University Press. For schools outside the UK who wish to find out more or place an order, please contact your local International Consultant.

Note: for schools in the US or teaching the US curriculum: Read Write Inc. Phonics is aligned to the Common Core

Schools in the US are supported by Colleen Somich, a Ruth Miskin Training certified consultant trainer at Get Reading, Love Reading LLC. 

Find out more about Read Write Inc. Phonics

Training one-to-one tutors

All children can learn to read. With our Fast Track Tutoring handbook and online films, all children achieve success every day- including those who have SEND. 

Introducing rigorous assessment and tracking

Our online assessment and tracking tool helps teachers analyse individual children’s reading progress and plan the next steps. 

Providing extensive support for parents and carers 

Parents and carers help children practise phonics and read storybooks at home. Our virtual classroom has over 850 phonics lessons- from decoding practice to supporting fluency. 

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