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In-school Development Days

What are Development Days?

Development Days are unique to Read Write Inc. They are proven to support reading teams to get every child to read. The more Development Days you book, the greater the impact. Our Standard Package includes two days, but you can upgrade to have more.  

A Development Day is your day and is bespoke to your school. The trainer works with the Reading Leader, headteacher and reading teachers on a normal school day, focusing on children who need extra support. We gain feedback after every day, so we know how much schools value these days.  

Development Days are available as part of our Ruth Miskin Training packages, found under Training/Programmes in the navigation bar. 


Development Day summary 


By analysing your half-termly assessment data, we provide advice on the actions that will make the biggest difference. This sets the focus for the day. 

Practice and coaching 

Our in-lesson coaching helps teachers accelerate childrens’ progress and teachers’ expertise


We model lessons and provide live practice and coaching. 


We coach one-to-one tutors – both for quick catch up and longer-term support for children with SEND. 

Online Subscription 

We help you set online training pathways to coach individual staff, and show you how to use the Virtual Classroom for extra practice at school and at home. 

Find out more

This clip shows you what to expect on a Development Day.

“Our trainer does a fantastic job. Her support on Development Days has a great impact on our teaching staff and in turn the children.”

Reading Leader, Marksbury C of E Primary School

“We value the opportunity to observe our trainer teaching and delivering one-to-one tutoring as part of our Development Day.”

Reading Leader, King’s Park Infant School, Dereham 

“Our trainer is fantastic at coaching new staff and this has boosted their confidence. She also helps us set up manageable tutoring that will support the progress of the children.

Reading Leader, Henry Green Primary School 

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