Community & Hospital Education Service AP Academy, Truro 

“The school has prioritised reading across the three sites and the different ways in which pupils access their learning. This ensures that pupils have the knowledge that they need to learn the curriculum in all subject areas. The very small number of pupils at the earliest stages of reading get the help they need to become confident and fluent readers. […] Texts are carefully chosen to spark interest and debate and promote extensive awareness of the diverse world around them.”
School Inspection: Outstanding
Previous Inspection: Outstanding

North Cornwall Alternative Provision Academy, Cornwall

“The school prioritises reading across all areas of the curriculum. Pupils who are at the early stages of reading get the phonics provision they need. As a result, they become increasingly confident and fluent readers. Accurate assessment across all subjects in the curriculum ensures that gaps in learning are identified and addressed quickly. Teachers have the subject knowledge needed to do this effectively. […] There is a focus on improving pupils’ view of reading for pleasure which is proving successful.”
School Inspection: Good
Previous Inspection: Good

Tennyson Road Primary School, Bedfordshire

“Reading is central to the curriculum. From teaching the sounds letters make to developing fluency and comprehension, all pupils achieve very well. There is a constant diet of high-quality reading material. As a result, pupils know and use a range of ambitious vocabulary. […] Younger pupils read books that help them practise the sounds they know. Anyone struggling with their reading receives effective support. Older pupils maturely critique and evaluate the diverse range of books they have read. […] Children learn to read straightaway and apply their phonics knowledge to develop early writing.”
School Inspection: Outstanding
Previous Inspection: Not Previously Inspected

Falconer’s Hill Infant School, Northamptonshire

“The school builds children’s language skills and increases their confidence. They respond well to the school’s ‘my turn, your turn’ approach. The teaching of early reading, across year groups, is impressive.
Staff are highly trained. They know precisely which sounds every pupil knows at any point. […] The school gives any weaker readers rapid support to boost their confidence. […] Lessons follow a consistent structure and approach which builds pupils’ independence. The school shows them how to ‘tick or fix’ their own work.”
School Inspection: Good
Previous Inspection: Good

Christ Church Bentinck CofE Primary School, Marylebone 

“Early reading has been given a high priority. […] Staff training ensures consistency in the teaching of phonics. Regular assessment is used to check pupils’ progression through the programme and ensure that reading books match their phonics knowledge. Pupils who need additional support are identified early and given extra support to catch up.”
School Inspection: Outstanding
Previous Inspection: Outstanding

Witham St Hughs Academy, Lincolnshire 

“Pupils love books at this school. Reading is encouraged and nurtured. […] Teachers and other adults have received expert training to ensure that they deliver the phonics programme exceptionally well. Pupils who struggle to learn to read get extra support and practice.”
School Inspection: Outstanding
Previous Inspection: Outstanding

Framwellgate Moor Primary School, Durham 

“There is a thorough approach to early reading. Pupils love reading. The reading curriculum is taught well throughout school. Pupils are well supported during individual reading time. Staff skilfully explain and demonstrate new vocabulary to pupils, especially those with English as an additional language. […] The school places a strong emphasis on providing a diverse selection of books for pupils, ensuring diverse groups are represented and a mix of genres are available to interest and educate pupils.”
School Inspection: Outstanding
Previous Inspection: Outstanding

Heather Field School, Stafford 

“All pupils have special educational needs and/or disabilities. […] Reading is given the highest of priorities. Pupils who need to learn phonics are well taught by appropriately skilled and trained staff. Opportunities to read are frequent. Pupils not only engage well in daily sessions but also enjoy listening to stories and actively participate in independent and group reading. The reading club is well attended. Pupils, therefore, read with confidence and fluency.”
School Inspection: Outstanding
Previous Inspection: Outstanding

Harris Primary Academy Beckenham, Kent 

“Reading is taught effectively because teachers and other adults have been well trained. They make sure that pupils pronounce sounds and words correctly. Pupils read books carefully matched to the sounds and letters that they know. This means pupils read with positive attitudes and developing fluency. Teachers quickly identify pupils who need help to ‘keep up’ so that they receive the help they need.”
School Inspection: Outstanding
Previous Inspection: Good Improvement

Menheniot Primary School, Cornwall 

“Pupils with SEND successfully learn the same curriculum as their peers. The school has focused on building a positive culture of reading. Children learn the sounds and letters they need as soon as they start school. The school ensures that books pupils read accurately match the letter sounds that they know. Assessment is used well to pinpoint gaps in learning. Adults use this information to provide extra support to those who need it. This means that pupils quickly become fluent and confident readers.”
School Inspection: Good
Previous Inspection: Requires Improvement

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