Heather Field School, Stafford
“All pupils have special educational needs and/or disabilities. […] Reading is given the highest of priorities. Pupils who need to learn phonics are well taught by appropriately skilled and trained staff. Opportunities to read are frequent. Pupils not only engage well in daily sessions but also enjoy listening to stories and actively participate in independent and group reading. The reading club is well attended. Pupils, therefore, read with confidence and fluency.”
School Inspection: Outstanding
Previous Inspection: Outstanding
Harris Primary Academy Beckenham, Kent
“Reading is taught effectively because teachers and other adults have been well trained. They make sure that pupils pronounce sounds and words correctly. Pupils read books carefully matched to the sounds and letters that they know. This means pupils read with positive attitudes and developing fluency. Teachers quickly identify pupils who need help to ‘keep up’ so that they receive the help they need.”
School Inspection: Outstanding
Previous Inspection: Good Improvement
Menheniot Primary School, Cornwall
“Pupils with SEND successfully learn the same curriculum as their peers. The school has focused on building a positive culture of reading. Children learn the sounds and letters they need as soon as they start school. The school ensures that books pupils read accurately match the letter sounds that they know. Assessment is used well to pinpoint gaps in learning. Adults use this information to provide extra support to those who need it. This means that pupils quickly become fluent and confident readers.”
School Inspection: Good
Previous Inspection: Requires Improvement
Squirrel Hayes First School, Staffordshire
“Children learn to read as soon as they enter the school. Staff are skilled at supporting pupils who need extra help with their reading. This means that most pupils are able to read fluently and accurately by the time they leave key stage 1. Pupils enjoy being read to by their teachers. This adds to pupils’ enjoyment of reading. […] Pupils with SEND receive high-quality support to access the same learning as their peers.”
School Inspection: Good
Previous Inspection: Good
Davyhulme Primary School, Manchester
“Staff deliver the phonics programme consistently. Children in the Reception Year quickly learn the sounds that letters represent. Staff provide additional support for pupils who struggle with reading. This helps these pupils to catch up quickly. The books that pupils read closely match the sounds that they have already learned. This supports them to become confident, fluent readers by the end of Year 2.”
School Inspection: Outstanding
Previous Inspection: Outstanding
St Sebastian’s RC Primary School, Manchester
“Staff deliver daily phonics sessions with expertise. Children in the early years benefit from daily story times that include songs and rhymes. This supports them to develop their communication skills and their awareness of sounds. Pupils access a wide range of books, and they have daily opportunities to practise reading the sounds that they are learning.”
School Inspection: Good
Previous Inspection: Good
St John’s Primary School, Dorset
“A love of reading is visible across the school. Children learn routines quickly and start learning phonics straight away. They understand how to blend sounds together to read simple words. Staff have the expertise to deliver phonics effectively. They ensure that the books pupils read match the sounds they are learning. They check for any gaps in pupils’ reading knowledge. If pupils fall behind, they receive the support they need to help them catch up quickly.”
School Inspection: Good
Previous Inspection: Good
De Lacy Primary School, West Yorkshire
“Reading is of the utmost importance. Leaders build the curriculum around core texts. Staff deliver the phonics programme consistently well. Teachers are well trained experts in teaching early reading. Pupils learn to read quickly. They enjoy reading. They are excited about the opportunity to win books from the school’s reading vending machine.”
School Inspection: Outstanding
Previous Inspection: Requires Improvement
Northway Infant School, Ashchurch, Gloucestershire
“The school prioritises reading. […] Phonics is taught with careful precision and enthusiasm by staff. Pupils confidently apply their phonics knowledge when reading. […] Pupils develop a love of reading from the start.”
School Inspection: Outstanding
Previous Inspection: Outstanding
Hall Road Academy, Hull
“Reading is a school priority. Hearing and retelling stories starts in early years. Children learn phonics as soon as they begin school. Skilled staff expertly deliver the phonics programme. Any pupils that need extra help get this from trained staff. This helps them to catch up. Books match the sounds pupils know.”
School Inspection: Good
Previous Inspection: Good