Cost of training and support for trusts

New trust plans

We offer discounts on new trust plans. Contact us now to start the conversation.

Every trust plan is bespoke. The cost is based on:

  • whether the school is an existing RWI school or new to us
  • the number of forms in each year group
  • the amount of support each school needs. 

We offer:

  • 50% discount on Leadership and Targeted Training days
  • 15% discount on the Online Subscription and Online Assessment
  • 15% discount on Development Days.

Our Trust Service is free of charge – see details for primary, secondary, all through trusts and SEND trusts here.

Renewal trust plans

Trusts renew their plan every year.

The CEO, Directors, trust Reading Leader and RMT lead agree the renewal Package including: 

  • any additional training days 
  • the number of Development Days for each school depending on the data. 

We support you long term. Our Trust Service is ongoing and remains free of charge year on year. Together we build on progress. 

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