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About Read Write Inc. Phonics

In a nutshell

Often imitated, never rivalled, Read Write Inc. Phonics is the UK’s number one systematic synthetic phonics programme. Children develop reading fluency and comprehension, spell and write with confidence and learn to articulate their ideas and understanding.  

Created by Dame Ruth Miskin, it is a complete literacy programme for children from Reception (P1) to Year 4 (P5), and children with SEND in older year groups. 

The programme is published by Oxford University Press and includes comprehensive planning for daily phonics lessons and reading, spelling and writing activities. It also includes decodable storybooks and home readers.

How does it transform reading and writing progress for every child?

  • Every lesson connects with the last and each activity connects with the next: the phonics, the reading and writing. 
  • Children work in targeted progress groups so they can all participate. No child is ever left behind. They are assessed each half term to ensure the speediest progress. 
  • Talking is at the heart of every lesson. Children learn the routines that enable them to explain and practise what they’ve been taught with a partner.  
  • One-to-one tutoring provides quick keep up and long-term support for children with SEND. 
  • Our expert team of 140+ trainers give bespoke training and support for sustained long-term success. 

Phonics Screening Check

Read Write Inc. Phonics will help all your children pass the PSC, transforming reading progress for every child. 

“Read Write Inc. Phonics has had a massive impact on our phonics results, raising them from 56% to 96%. We are all amazed and delighted at the difference it has made to teaching and learning in our school.”

Joan Cullen, Head Teacher, Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School, Luton

Read Write Inc-lusive

Read Write Inc. is all you need to teach children with SEND to read. 

Our seven steps for success

You will see immediate impact and sustain long-term success in your school with these seven steps. 

Reading Leader support

Our face-to-face leadership course and ongoing training help your Reading Leader develop the expertise to lead their reading team with confidence and consistency. 

High-quality training 

Our unique combination of bespoke in-school support, on-demand training films and regional training makes the biggest difference. 

Support for SEND

We train your tutors for quick keep up and longer-term support. With our One-to-one Tutoring Handbook and online in-action films, all children can achieve success every day. 

Online assessment and tracking 

Our Online Assessment gives you all the information you need to plan next steps at the click of a button. 

Effective grouping for maximum progress 

Every child learns at their specific ‘challenge’ level every day – no one is left behind. 

Talk is at the heart of every lesson 

Children practise everything they are taught and answer every question together. Routines help children feel safe and improve behaviour. 

Extensive support for families 

Parents and carers help children practise phonics and read Storybooks at home. Our Virtual Classroom has over 1,000 phonics lessons from decoding practice to supporting fluency. 

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