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About Phonics training and support

Becoming a Ruth Miskin fully-trained Read Write Inc. school

Fully-trained schools invest in long-term success for all their children. 

Our 140 trainers have a strong track record working in senior positions in schools. They undergo intensive training with our top trainer team, including how to teach reading, writing and develop children’s language. 

Our Training Packages help you get every child reading. The results speak for themselves. 

Two children concentrating on reading a Storybook.

New school Training Package – great value, great impact!

You can be confident that our tried and trusted approach works: our Ruth Miskin Training Package has been developed over 20 years. 

It includes ALL of  the following to make the biggest difference:  

In-person training – unique to Read Write Inc. Training Packages

Leadership training

This training enables headteachers and Reading Leaders to build an expert team using our half-termly model of assessment, practice and coaching.  

We empower you to lead on the things that will make the biggest difference, so all children make speedy progress.  

In-school training days for up to 45 people

Whole school training raises teachers’ expectations of all children. Your trainer shows you how to start teaching Read Write Inc. with confidence from the start. Your staff will benefit from on-the-spot coaching, setting everyone up for success. 

For ongoing practice, you’ll find training for phonics, reading and writing activities on the Online Subscription. 

“I particularly valued the clarity and structure of the training. It provided practical strategies and a thorough understanding of how to implement the programme effectively.”

Reading Leader, Azhar Academy Primary School

Two in-school Development Days

A Development Day is bespoke to your school. The trainer works with staff on a normal school day to analyse data, coach and show how to tutor children who need extra support.  

Development Days are unique to Read Write Inc. They are proven to support reading teams to get every child to read. The more Development Days you book, the greater the impact. Our standard package includes two days, but you can upgrade to have more.  

On-demand training and support completes our Training Packages

Access to the Online Subscription

We have the most comprehensive range of online training and support with over 1000 films for in-school and home.  

The subscription includes bite-sized training, in-action films in the classroom, and our Virtual Classroom – including new animated films.   

It also includes the training for all other Read Write Inc. programmes: Spelling, Fresh Start, Comprehension, Phonics for Nursery, and resources and training for Talk Through Stories.  

Access to the Online Assessment

Assessment underpins everything. Our child-friendly Online Assessment gives you all the data you need at the click of a button – every half term! 

The system is unique in giving you the full picture for every child by tracking individual progress. It also provides comprehensive data analysis at group and school level. This automatic analysis gives you more time to act on the data. 

Continuous online improvements – at no extra cost 

We commit to ongoing investment in our own training and support so we can meet your evolving needs.   

As a Ruth Miskin Read Write Inc. school you will benefit from all new developments and improvements as part of your package. Last year we launched our Online Assessment at no extra cost to our schools.  

We add new films online every week.   

More support

Regional training

Our one-day trainings deepen your Read Write Inc. Phonics expertise. Find out about One-to-one Tutoring and our four Targeted Training days here.

Remote Progress Meetings

These hour-long remote progress meetings are with the Reading Leader and headteacher. They support with analysing data to agree actions, organise group teaching and tutoring, and plan home reading.  

Trust Service

Trust Service logo

English Hubs Service

English hubs service logo

For renewing schools 

Please go to the renewals area on your School Portal to see our Standard, Termly, and Intensive Packages, along with special offers.  

“We have been on a two-and-a-half-year journey with Read Write Inc. and are so proud of our recent Outstanding Ofsted report. We wish to thank the Ruth Miskin Training team for their incredible support, teaching and coaching at every step of the way. This, alongside the dedication and commitment of our staff, has undoubtedly embedded a strong, successful approach to the teaching of phonics and promoted a love of reading across our school.” 

Danielle Morley, Headteacher, Northway Infant school

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