Nicola Dawson, London South

I literally have a spring in my step, knowing how lucky I am to work for RMT. I support reading leaders, headteachers and reading teachers to make a difference to all children’s reading and writing. It is great to receive positive feedback from visits to schools and know that I help teach every child to read.

Heather Scarlett, Cornwall

“I love building strong relationships with my schools; working with both familiar faces and reading teachers new to teaching the programme.” I feel very proud to be part of Ruth Miskin Training (RMT). Our team meetings are galvanising and inspire me to know we can teach every child to read. We are an organisation that never stops. There are regular updates, beneficial to the schools we work with and to make our work/life balance easier.

Helen Mather, North West England

“I have never been happier at work. I enjoy supporting a range of schools; making a difference every day to make sure all children can read and make the best of their futures.” The consultant trainers I met were knowledgeable, inspiring, and enthusiastic. I wanted to be part of an organisation that helps teach every child to read across my region, regardless of background, need or ability.

Nishat Mahmud, South London

Each trainer has their own trainer coach for the first 18 months – mine is calm, clear and answers all questions. She has a wealth of knowledge to share about both the Read Write Inc. programmes and systems and processes at RMT. As my knowledge deepens and my consultancy skills grow, I become more and more confident.

Adam Given, Cornwall

“My advice to a potential trainer? Bring a passion for reading and coaching.” RMT’s mission to teach every child to read is my dream job. I was previously a reading leader in a small rural primary school where our mission was to ensure every child learnt to read. Our work with a Ruth Miskin Training (RMT) consultant trainer made a significant impact. I wanted that job!

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