We will: | As headteacher, we will need you to: |
1. Train a reading leader in your school | - appoint a key stage 1 or reception teacher for this role
- agree for the reading leader to attend the six-day leadership courses
- attend the first day’s course with your reading leader
- agree for the reading leader to coach the reading team during RWI lessons and lead a weekly 30-minute practice session
- meet with reading tutors to analyse progress and agree next steps
2. Provide bespoke training and support in your school | - book a phonics training and support package
- organise for all staff attend the two-day phonics training
- organise for RWI to be taught for one hour, five days a week in Year 1 and above, and 20 minutes rising to 40 minutes a day in reception
- organise for children to continue RWI until they can read with fluency – including children in later year groups who are not reading at a level commensurate with their age
- timetable storytimes every day
3. Train tutors to ensure success for children who need the most support | - release teaching assistants to teach the slowest progress pupils for an additional 10 minutes every day.
4. Introduce rigorous assessment and tracking | - organise for the reading leader to use digital assessment to track children’s reading progress every half term
5. Group children effectively to ensure maximum progress | - place children into groups where they can make the most progress. This could mean children working in mix-aged groups
6. Use interactive strategies for the best learning behaviour | - introduce co-operative learning behaviours in all lessons
7. Provide extensive support for parents | - organise for RWI decodable storybooks and virtual classroom links to be sent home for pupils to practise every week