Leadership, Tutoring and Targeted Training
Leadership. Build an expert team: assessment, practice and coaching
For headteachers and Reading Leaders
This training is essential for leaders in new Read Write Inc. schools and is part of our new school Training Package. It is also an invaluable refresher for reading leaders in existing schools. It focuses on how to:
- introduce consistent learning behaviours across all lessons
- assess children’s progress
- group children effectively
- implement a cycle of practice and coaching
- coach teachers to become experts.
Find out more and book here.
One-to-one Tutoring: Teach every child to read
For Reading Leaders, reading tutors, SENCOs and SEND tutors
This training unlocks the power of tutoring – from quick keep up to long term support for children with SEND. Two places on this training are included in ‘Intensive’ renewal packages. The training helps you to:
- analyse your data to identify pupils for tutoring
- practise the incremental teaching steps in the One-to-one Tutoring Handbook
- adjust the teaching steps for each pupil’s individual needs, including pupils who are non-verbal
- organise daily one-to-one tutoring.
Find out more and book here.
Targeted Training
These four training days focus on key areas of Read Write Inc. Phonics to deepen expertise and impact. Courses are at regional venues across the country.
Make a strong start in Reception
For the Reading Leader and Reception teacher.

Make the most of children’s first term in Reception and hit the ground running in September. Practise teaching the activities that will make the biggest difference to children’s progress in the first term of Reception.
Find out more and book here.
Progress from sounds to stories: Ditties and Red Storybooks
For the Reading Leader and Reception/Year 1 teacher.

Accelerate children’s progress from sound-blending words to reading short stories using the daily Ditty Speed Sounds Lessons and reading and writing activities. Establish effective partner routines to ensure all children participate.
Find out more and book here.
Get to grips with graphemes: PSC
For the Reading Leader and Year 1 teacher.

Make sure every child can read accurately and succeed in the phonics screening check. Use half-termly assessment data and the Sounds grid to make the most of teaching time.
Find out more and book here.
Focus on fluency: Yellow, Blue and Grey Storybooks
For the Reading Leader and Year 2 teacher.

Help every child become a fluent reader by increasing children’s accuracy and fluency in word reading.
Find out more and book here.