Headteachers checklist for success
We offer you our full support to ensure Read Write Inc. is implemented effectively in your school. Before booking, please check you are happy to commit to these seven steps. This is the route to making the most of your investment.
Seven steps to success – our shared commitments
Our commitments: | We ask headteachers to:
Train a Reading Leader | Appoint a Key Stage 1 or Reception teacher to the role of Reading Leader. Attend the first day regional leadership training course ‘Build an expert team: assessment, practice and coaching’ with your Reading Leader. |
Provide high-quality training and support | Timetable sufficient time for the Reading Leader to:
Timetable Read Write Inc. for one hour, five days a week in Year 1 and above, and 20 minutes rising to 40 minutes a day in Reception. Ensure all reading teachers attend Speed Sounds lessons and Storybook lessons face-to-face training. Timetable storytimes every day. Work alongside the RMT trainer on Development Days. |
Train tutors so every child learns to read, including those with SEND | Timetable 10 minutes of daily one-to-one tutoring for the children making the slowest progress. |
Introduce online assessment and tracking | Agree priorities from the half-termly assessment data with the Reading Leader. |
Support your Reading Leader to group children effectively to ensure maximum progress | Support Reading Leaders to use assessment data to ensure children are organised into groups where they can make the most progress. |
Give you the tools to put talk at the heart of every lesson for the best learning behaviour | Ensure Talk to Your Partner is used in all Read Write Inc. lessons. |
Provide extensive support for parents | Support your Reading Leader to organise for RWI decodable Storybooks and Virtual Classroom links to be sent home weekly. |
Our seven steps for success
You will see immediate impact and sustain long-term success in your school with these seven steps.
Reading Leader support
Our face-to-face leadership course and ongoing training help your Reading Leader develop the expertise to lead their reading team with confidence and consistency.
High-quality training
Our unique combination of bespoke in-school support, on-demand training films and regional training makes the biggest difference.
Support for SEND
We train your tutors for quick keep up and longer-term support. With our One-to-one Tutoring Handbook and online in-action films, all children can achieve success every day.
Online assessment and tracking
Our Online Assessment gives you all the information you need to plan next steps at the click of a button.
Effective grouping for maximum progress
Every child learns at their specific ‘challenge’ level every day – no one is left behind.
Talk is at the heart of every lesson
Children practise everything they are taught and answer every question together. Routines help children feel safe and improve behaviour.
Extensive support for families
Parents and carers help children practise phonics and read Storybooks at home. Our Virtual Classroom has over 1,000 phonics lessons from decoding practice to supporting fluency.