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About Fresh Start training and support

Ruth Miskin’s training team

Our 140 trainers have a strong track record working in senior positions in schools. They undergo intensive training with our top trainer team, including how to teach reading, writing and develop pupils’ language.   

We make sure older pupils become accurate and fluent readers regardless of their age or background. 

Ofsted recommendations 2022

“School leaders understood the need to identify specific reading gaps and weaknesses and made sure that the staff working with struggling readers were trained to teach reading.” 

Training and support for new schools

For new schools with a small number of struggling readers

If you’re totally new to Read Write Inc. and are introducing Fresh Start to support just a handful of pupils, we recommend our Fresh Start Regional Training alongside the resources from Oxford University Press. 

Fresh Start Regional Training

  • Training focuses on how to teach older pupils to read sounds and words, then how to apply knowledge to the reading and writing activities in the Modules. 
  • Learn how to teach Fresh Start by practising activities and receiving on the spot coaching. 

Find out more. 

For new schools with a larger number of struggling readers

A standalone Fresh Start Training Package is for: 

  • schools with a significant number of pupils who need support 
  • primary schools with struggling readers in Years 5 and 6 in schools without the Read Write Inc. Phonics Training Package 
  • secondary schools with struggling readers of any age. 

The Fresh Start Package includes: 

Two places at a two-day regional training 

  • Training focuses on how to teach older pupils to read sounds and words, then how to apply knowledge to the reading and writing activities in the Modules. 
  • You’ll learn how to teach Fresh Start by practising activities and receiving on the spot coaching. 
  • One place is for the Reading Leader and one for a tutor. You can book extra regional training places for more tutors.  


One in-school Development Day 

  • Development Days are unique to Read Write Inc and are bespoke to your school. They are proven to support Reading Leaders and reading tutors to get every pupil to read. 
  • Your trainer works with leaders to analyse assessment data and create an action plan. They run practice sessions, model tutoring, and coach reading tutors to help all pupils make speedy progress. 
  • Our Standard Package includes one day, but you can upgrade to have more. Schools with many struggling readers benefit from more Development Days. 


Fresh Start Online Subscription 

  • Bite-sized training films help you to plan and practise all stages of the programme. 
  • In-action films show experienced teachers teaching every activity 
  • Virtual Classroom films give pupils extra practice at school and at home. 


Fresh Start Online Assessment 

  • This automatically analyses each pupil’s assessment results to give you all the information you need at the click of a button.  
  • There is a wealth of support available including daily drop-ins with a trainer during each assessment window, short films and written guidance.  


Also available to book: Remote Progress Meetings 

These hour-long meetings are with the Reading Leader and headteacher. We discuss progress data to decide the next steps for pupils who are receiving tutoring, and plan staff practice and coaching. 

Training and support for schools already with us

For primary schools with a Read Write Inc. Phonics Package 

  • Head to your Online Subscription to access all the Fresh Start training films. 
  • Book staff onto the Fresh Start Regional Training – perfect for new tutors or those seeking a refresher. 
  • If you need extra support, you can book additional Development Days and Remote Progress Meetings through the renewals and upgrades area of the School Portal. 

For renewing schools 

Please go to the renewals area on your School Portal. The Fresh Start Renewal Training Package includes the Online Subscription and one in-school Development Day. 

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