How Fresh Start supports struggling readers in secondary schools

“School leaders understood the need to identify specific reading gaps and weaknesses, and made sure that the staff working with struggling readers were trained to teach reading”.
Now the whole school is reading: supporting struggling readers in secondary schools Ofsted, 31/10/2022
Ormiston Meridian Academy and Stoke Secondary Schools, Stoke-on-Trent

“In the most recent (January 2022) Ofsted report of one of our schools, it was recognised that ‘pupils who need help with their phonics knowledge are supported by trained staff.”
Olsen House School, Liverpool (For children and young people with SEMH, ADHD, ASC and LD in KS2 to KS4)

“Fresh Start helps remove barriers to learning for our students. They now choose to read, are happy reading to others and, importantly, can access the curriculum more easily. Confidence and self-esteem have increased in all lessons.”
West Derby School, Liverpool (secondary school)

“The programme has helped me as an English teacher gain knowledge of phonics teaching and understand that effortless decoding is essential to access both GCSE English and the wider curriculum.”