David Ross Education Trust

“Our 2024 phonics screening check (PSC) average across 23 schools was 90%. The PSC average for our pupil premium children in 2023 was 84% compared to the national average of 67%.”
Ruth’s Updates

This newsletter includes: Top tips for the run up to the PSC, Free PSC online surgery tailored for you and new resources on the Online Subscription to support Reception.
The Invisible by Tom Percival

When Isabel’s family don’t have enough money to pay the bills, they move to the other side of the city. In this new part of town, she feels invisible. Isabel begins to build a community. ‘The more people came together… the more they could all be seen’. A book about hope and belonging.
See unit in Talk Through Stories
My Dad is a Grizzly Bear by Swapna Haddow and Dapo Adeola

This dad is a grizzly bear with fur that scratches and scritches and a very loud roar. Sometimes he laughs and teases. Sometimes he’s grumpy and sleepy. But he always gives the very best hugs. A fun, lively story for Nursery and Reception.
Ruth’s Updates

This newsletter includes: Response from Ruth Miskin Training to EEF publication and more success stories.
Dixons Trinity Chapeltown, Leeds

“We are thrilled that, in spite of the challenge of the last two and a half years, 91% of children passed the phonics screening check (PSC) in 2022.”
Ruth’s Updates

This newsletter includes: New website, Blue and Grey Speed Sounds lessons and PSC top tips.
Bedwell Primary School, Stevenage
School inspection: Good
Previous Inspection: Requires Improvement
Hayes Park School, Hayes
School inspection: Good
Previous inspection: Good
Ark Academy, Wembley
School inspection: Outstanding
Previous inspection: Outstanding